Wall Street Journal
The biggest trends in garden design have more to do with maximizing living space than tending greenery
April 2019

San Francisco Chronicle—Home Design
In Cole Valley, a garden of stone walls makes a climber’s paradise
November 2017

Custom Home Awards
Custom Home of the Year 2016: Builder’s Choice Custom Home Design Awards
September 2016

Elle Décor Italia
Ristrutturazione In Chiave Funzionale Per Una Villa Di San Francisco
December 2015

The rope swing in this SF house is a sign that it was designed for a playful family
November 2015

San Francisco Chronicle: SFGATE
Home tour shows off design ideas for daily living in S.F.
September 2015

Builder / Custom Home Awards
2015 Merit Award: Builder’s Choice/Custom Home Design Awards
April 2015

San Francisco Chronicle Magazine
An open-plan space with deep storage-case room dividers, in lieu of a fake Edwardian interior
October 2007

San Francisco Chronicle: SFGATE
New life in the West / Cubism within a Victorian brings uncommon comfort and light
November 2006